Sunday, June 6, 2010

Port A Cath

I finally have the time to write again. I was highly drugged for the past few days since i had my port a cath placement on June 1st. As expected from any other surgery, i was and still am sore. So percocet (pain pill) is helping me a lot. I usually take 1 every 4 hours but lowered my doze to 1 every 6 hours. I hate being immobile. That's what percocet does to me. Knocks me off really bad i end up sleeping the whole day and night. Then i wake up very hungry and thirsty i start shoving whatever food and drink i find in the fridge up my mouth. So comes bloating and constipation! Arrghhh I sound like a complaining b*tch today but i just wanna let you guys know how it really goes. Here are some pics taken of my port a cath placement.

Just woke up from the surgery.. i'm all high and puffy! Thanks mom for taking the pic ;)

closer look at the port a cath in my chest.. yes IN my chest! see the long line going up? that's a tube connected to my main artery on the neck..and YES! it feels really really weird!!!

So far that's what's been going on with me lately and yeah i did my PET scan number 2 already. And Chemotherapy starts next week June 8. It's a little rough on me this days. But i have to hang on! Good part is, my family and friends have been there every step. I even got a surprise "Save Lloyd Foundation" from my college friends and their families. Thank you so much guys for you generosity! I am truly grateful.

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