Monday, May 24, 2010

Another wave of good news...

I don't think that having stage 2 cancer can actually be good news. But good that it's just stage 2, good that at least it's earlier than expected. Meaning the tumor cells have reached my chest area already but not widespread enough to reach other organs. So my heart is good, my liver is ok, my kidneys are fine and my blood count is just super! Yes! Yes! Yes!
My oncologist spent almost 2 hours going through my staging, treatments, benefits, side-effects, etc. And all i can think is I'm gonna be just fine. I will get through this.
Then doc started talking about options on saving "little Lloyds" as chemotherapy may cause sterility. I may have to store enough army of my sperm in the Swiss sperm bank to ensure the future of the Lloyd dynasty!
Anyway i needed to have my port a cath placement done so i can start chemo. And another pet scan.. i know i said another pet scan! Well, back to being radioactive again.
Officially my chemotherapy sessions will start on June 8 and then every after Tuesday for 4 cycles. That's 8 chemotherapy sessions in 4 months. And this will be followed by at least 1 month of radiation therapy.
Let's bring it on!!!! So this damn sucker can get off my neck and chest!!!