What does a late late late 20's guy do when the world seems to be a bit heavier than usual?
If i ever had plans for the future it surely did change. Especially when presented with a mysterious illness that could actually alter the rest of my existing life. It has been 4 months since i found out that i have a lump on my neck but up to now the doctors still can't figure out what really is going on. They just left me with a very cruel diagnosis: POTENTIAL LYMPHOMA. I did all the tests they require me to do. Oh believe me when i say i did it all, the needles, the x-rays, the scans, the dyes, scopes, biopsy (a failed one) and countless medications. All of that just to end up with another biopsy, this time an excision biopsy. A surgical procedure where they actually take a sample of the tissue. In other words slice my neck open and take a piece of what's inside.
Because of these things life has drastically changed for me. I'm home most of the time. Watching TV, sleeping, resting getting drugged. Good thing i have a very supportive family that checks in whenever they can and great friends who are also there for me.
So what does a guy like me do when times are as tough as it can be? BELIEVE. Believe that there is someone higher than me. Someone guiding me through every feeble step i take. A light in one of my darkest hours. My FAITH with keep me from doing things i used to do and things that i will do. They always say that it is just a bump in the road, well it is and i intend on going forward. Another thing that's keeping me going is my PASSION in life and what comes with it. That life was given for us to enjoy and explore. I actually know myself a lot more than before. I have learned to accept who i am and who i need to be.
It just feels like a huge stone was casted on a still pond and now ripples are getting bigger and bigger. But soon.. they will fade. Soon.. :)