Friday, July 16, 2010

Chemotherapy #3

it was a bit chilly in the chemo room..thank goodness for my blanket! :)

This was so far worse than the last sessions i had. I wish i can say that everything was ok but it was just not. I was nauseous from day 1 and been throwing up since then. Whatever food i take usually comes out in a couple of minutes despite my medications best effort to keep them in. This was just a bad chemo week! Well i guess there is no good chemo week. Everything tastes like cardboard..blah! I have uncontrollable hiccups that lasts fo 3 days. Had bone pain on my ribs, low back and arms. I'm hyperacidic and had heartburns that keep coming back no matter how much maalox i ingest. 
But today i'm a bit better. I finally had 2 tacos..2 WHOLE tacos and not puked it out! Considering the amount of food intake a had for the past 3 days, this is a big improvement.  And i think  i have a bit more room for extra food later.
Round 3 done! Score: 3-0 
Lloyd-3 KiKi-0

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Chemotherapy #2

After being delayed for a week due to my low white blood cell count, i finally had my 2nd doze of chemotherapy last tuesday, June 29th. It was a bit different this time because my doctors added 2 more medications.. Namely Benadryl and Decadron along with the regular Pepcid and Zofran. They are supposed to help "ease" up the ABVD concoction. I find the Benadryl very helpful. It makes me relax and sleep during the procedure. 
I had a different nurse this time. Her name was miss Park. She is super new in the chemotherapy department. She doesn't even know that the new BP apps have print-outs of whatever was the reading. She asked me if i was nervous, and i said because you look nervous too! And then we just laughed and got along with everything. This time it only took about 3 1/2 hours for the actual procedure and 2 hours of waiting. So i got home around 4 pm.
Right after the first day, everything went to sleeping, sleeping and more sleeping. And oh yeah they gave me a booster shot for my bone marrow so it can rapidly produce new WBC and it's causing uncomfortable pain all over my body. Just along the back, the rib cage, my hips, neck and just about everywhere. Thank goodness for percocet or it could have been a very very long and painful week. But today i'm better! Pain is minimal, i'm not drowsy and not nauseous at all! YEY!!! So my OK week starts today i guess. :)